Diversity — Montgomery Martin Contractors
Montgomery Martin is the ‘Game Changer’ in Diversity
— Stephanie Alexander, Executive Director, Memphis Area Minority Contractors Association

teaching construction service excellence at MAMCA

We are committed to and affirmatively embrace the concept of inclusion. We work hard to include a diverse mix of subcontractors and material suppliers in the construction of our projects.

As a standard practice, Montgomery Martin Contractors provides business outreach opportunities for private and public projects. We have a track record of achieved client goals rather than relying on good faith efforts. We strive to exceed defined Small Minority, Women and Historically Underutilized Business project goals for public projects. We are proud of our history of building up and equipping our small business partners.

Memphis Area Minority Owned Business Information

Leader in Tennessee Minority Business Growth

Leader in Tennessee Minority Business Growth

City of Memphis’ Equal Business Opportunity (EBO) and Small Business Enterprise (SBE) programs

City of Memphis’ Equal Business Opportunity (EBO) and Small Business Enterprise (SBE) programs

Memphis Area Minority Contractors Association

Memphis Area Minority Contractors Association